Frontline Rail Jam 2010 w/ LIVE WEBCAST

Okay, so this is basically the mother of all rail jams. I mean, the Helgasons, Jed Anderson, Big Lou Paradis, Torstein Horgmo, Fredu Sirvio, Scotty Arnold, Hans Ahlund, Bode Miller, Alex Cantin, Marc Swoboda, Frontline bossman and uber STHLM local Kareem El Rafie and basically every other heavy hitter in the game, which other rail jam in the world can claim a line-up this stacked?

And to top it off, after party at Stockholm's hottest spot, Berns, so you know shit is gonna get hectic!

Seriously, this Frontline Rail Jam is gonna be one for the ages so make sure you make it to Stockholm on Saturday, October 16. We'll be there, fucking shit up something proper, naturally.

See you there, bitches! Buuuuuut, if you can't make it there, don't despair, we've got just the ticket for you. We will be LIVE STREAMING a webcast of the rail jam on Saturday, October 16 starting @ 4 PM Central European Time!!! There will be banners all over our site, so just make sure you click on there and it will link you directly to the live stream page. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy, so make sure you stock up on beer and weed. Or popcorn and soda if that's more your bag...