Boris Mouton Launches Nuance Snowboards

If you've ever had the pleasure of meeting Swiss rider Boris Mouton before you'd instantly recogonise him the next time you cross paths by either that big grin peering out underneath his goggles or you may just see him send the biggest gaps with the chillest style on the mountain, and you know, well that was Boris then.

Since we last bumped into Boris he's been very busy working on and off the mountain meticulous bringing his dream snowboards to reality. So we got in touch to ask him a few questions on how he got from just an idea, to launching Nuance Snowboards today. 


What’s happening Boris? How have you been lately? Good summer? 

Yes man everything is good, I mean pretty stressful, a lot is going on with Nuance... My apartment is like a garage full of cartons, plastic bags and boards everywhere ahha but i'm so exited for this!!

We hear you have some pretty exciting news launching your very own board brand. But before we get into that, what got you thinking about creating your own board brand and how did it all start?

I mean I always wanted to make my own board, and create a brand that defends a certain vision. I also feel like it’s time for us « snowboarders » to take the lead in this industry, I mean it’s us snowboarders who've got to decide where our sport needs to go and what’s good for them, no one else.


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We’ve seen you ripping around here and there on this elusive blue base board for the past couple years, did you go through a number of prototypes to get to this final masterpiece? 

Ohhh yes, man, honestly in the beginning of this project, I had no clue what I was getting into. 

The amount I had to learn along the way from the types of materials to the shapes and how they effect performance. I had no idea what really went into the boards I’d been riding my whole life. It was all a mystery to me. I mean there were countless mistakes, so many failed attempts, but at some point I think it was around the 10th prototype that it all clicked and I finally had the board I was looking for. But yeah all of this took about 3 years ahahah.

What can you tell us about the boards, what models will you be offering and who will they be for? 

Basically since it’s our first model, I wanted to have a board for every kind of days… What was important for me was to have a board that pop’s well, and handle fast sharp turns. So for now we have 50 limited edition all mountains/freestyle boards in size 156 cm. Each board is individually numbered, and every release features its own unique base Pantone color, making each one truly personal and one-of-a-kind. And it’s all made in Europe. :) 


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This is obviously just the beginning, what plans do you have for the future of Nuance? 

Well it would be cool to make a team of unique personalities to ride alongside, really showcasing what our brand is all about. Together, we’d not only represent the boards, but also the values and spirit behind it. We would like to make events and stuff, maybe some invitational type of things!!

What makes Nuance stand apart from other board brands? What do you hope to achieve with the introduction of your boards?

I think what separates us from the rest is our philosophy and way of thinking. I mean the name “Nuance" says everything. We believe in the power of individuality. Just as colours blend into countless unique shades, every rider expresses their own style and personality. It’s those imperfections that make things interesting and set them apart. Nuance is about embracing what makes you different, everyone adds their own flavor, their own vibe, and that’s the essence of who we are. 

It must have taken quite a lot of your time and focus to bring this brand to fruition. What kind of involvement do you plan on having within the company going forward? Will we be seeing more of a business Boris than a rider Boris?

Yes it’s a lot of work, hopefully I’m surrounded by amazing people like my partner Julian Zimmerman who’s in charge of all the digital aspects, website etc..  He’s the man turning things into life, so happy to have him in the team. Honestly for me I don’t even see it as a business thing, it’s just more like a new way of approaching things and I feel like I can express way more through it now.

Has anyone else been riding your boards? Or have you any plans for pulling some talent together for a team?  

Couple of my friends have been testing the boards, like Lorenzo Peeters and a few more. Yeah, regarding the team, we have a few riders in mind. We'd like to see them ride our boards, but we’re excited to see what the future will bring.


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If there is anything else you’ll like to share about this new venture then please do…?

Yes I’d like to thank everyone helping us out throughout this project, so many people that have been helping us to make it happen, Biiiig shoutout to all of them !! 

It’s awesome to see talented riders like yourself put their experience and drive into making the best boards possible for the future. Congrats and we look forward to taking some laps with you soon and checking out these new righteous steeds! 

Thanks for your nice words Will. I mean we believe the young, talented snowboarders on the competition circuit have so much more to offer. Through this brand, we hope to soon support their creativity and give them the freedom to fully express themselves. 

Check out the Nuance Snowboards website HERE

Follow them on Instagram HERE


© Klaus Polzer