(from issue 25.1)
I never thought I would ever research about “extreme” sexual practices for a paycheck, but here I am… I dived pretty deep into the unknown world of BDSM for this one. I can’t say that I really enjoyed it, but from the ads I’ve been seeing on my feed since, I think the Internet decided I was into it from now on. I put both my fingers in the outlet, as we might say in France. I did learn a lot, though. Although we might not all allow domination rapports to come into our lives, the notion of power is almost always in the mix. When consenting adults let themselves be intimate with one another, a tacit agreement is made. One that can more or less frame the trust where each of them obtains the power to do certain things to one another. This respectful setting is I believe the very essence of all BDSM activities, only that this “contract” is even made clearer. The end goal is also quite similar to what some might call “Vanilla sex”, as the trust then in place can assure a more or less pleasurable outcome. Does this mean that all people with an active sexual life are doing BDSM without knowing it? Let’s think about that for a second. I also realized that there are as many ways of practicing than there are practitioners. It makes sense as we’re talking about humans interactions here.
What does all of this have to do with snowboarding, you may ask? Well I say everything! It’s not always that obvious, but snowboarders are humans, and most of them interact with each other in various ways. I imagine that most of us are more or less sexually active, and if you’re still reading this, my guess is that you have a curious mind. Also, on these pages, we have developed a fantasy for the extreme, mostly for snowboarding but for anything really. So, just like snowboarding can be, I suppose our sex life can also be extreme.
And then, I saw the face of Pulp Fiction’s Gimp come out here and there in snowboarding photos and ads. It got me thinking. First of all, what is he doing with snowboarders, and mostly, what has he been up to since Bruce Willis left him hanging in that basement? I decided to call him to catch up and learn more about this snowboard X BDSM business.
Reader’s notice: Although this interview happened for real, it took the form of a conversation with a fictional character created by pop culture, then re-appropriated by snowboarders who recently got into role-playing. We in fact know very little about this subject and do not intend to mock or look down on what people are into. To this day, still, a shitload of humans seem to care too much, despise and hate on what others do in their intimate life, and that is unfortunate. We, on the other hand, back whatever people do for leisure as long as it’s not oppressive to anyone else. We do not tolerate intolerance and oppression whatsoever. That said, clichés can be quite funny.
Hello, Gimp.
Hello, master.
How’s it going today?
I’m good. I recently discovered that I got some new STDs, but it’s okay; I’m destined to have this.
Oh okay, that doesn’t sound so fresh. I can see that your mask isn’t in its freshest state as well.
No, they burned me. They brought me to Ethan Morgan’s shoot and used fire. I had to jump through it, so it burned a little bit of my mask, unfortunately. It still looks good. It has a little bit of a new flare, a new taste. My masters are quite happy.
How about you, are you happy?
I am happy to the extent that I’m allowed to be happy.
So where are you at now? Are you still living in a box in some basement?
No, I got upgraded. I’m living on a couch now. It’s made out of wood with no cushions. For this interview, I’m allowed to be sitting on a real couch though.
It’s been 30 years since Pulp Fiction came out and 30 years since the first Method article was posted on the web. Have you been reading method?
I’m not allowed to read.
Have you heard about Method Mag?
No, I’m shut off from the outside world, so I have no idea.
Well, I’m gonna put some light on some things for you. Since the movie came out, a lot of the cast members became really famous, and you were not included, obviously. How do you feel about that?
I’m used to it, so it’s fine. These situations are tough, but it’s my life. My life is obviously not so easy. As long as I can make my masters happy, that makes me happy.
You kind of dropped off the face of the earth after Bruce Willis left you hanging in that nasty basement. What happened after that? How did you end up in Europe?
I mean, I was in that basement for quite some time. They treated me very poorly, as they should. Then, master Halldor Helgason heard through master Willis that I was left there and they decided I could be put to better use than just being in that basement wasting food resources and all. He said I could come and build jumps for them. I’m kind of a jump builder for Halldor and the Yes crew now. I have to go up at night and build the jumps in the resorts, then come back down during the day so no one can see me. It’s a big privilege for me to be outside instead of in a basement, so I can’t enjoy it too much. It’s a significant change, but working in the cold is quite nice.
Is that leather outfit waterproof in any way?
No, no, it gets very wet. Then, when it dries, it gets really tight. And now that I had that burning accident, it’s even worse.
So I guess that’s how you got introduced to snowboarding and met a lot of riders like Ethan (Morgan), Flo (Corzelius), and other people.
Yeah, I had the pleasure of serving them and many others as well.
By helping them out and encouraging them to do these risky stunts involving fire, dirt gaps, and so on, are you trying to get these guys into BDSM somehow?
BDSM fits quite well with snowboarding. They like to hurt themselves already. They have something for it without knowing. They really have this fetish. I just show them beforehand how to get hurt in the easiest way possible. It really helps them to have more courage and hit bigger jumps and scarier features.
Would say you’re becoming a sort of mentor, introducing BDSM to snowboarding.
My masters have told me that I have this ability to show the world that crashing can be fun and pleasurable. It’s a lot of pleasure for me when I crash hard and hurt myself. I think it's going to pick up after these movies drop too. It will show the world the Gimp is not just a basement rat.
It’s a pretty unusual bond, BDSM and snowboarding. I imagine it’s quite new for a lot of riders. My understanding of BDSM is that it’s always consenting adults doing it, which makes it a rather safe place for a lot of things to happen. Am I right?
Yeah. I mean, everything is XXX-rated, but everybody’s okay. If something goes too far, we use a safe word.
Oh yeah, and what is the safe word you guys use?
It’s “Please put a pineapple in my butt”.
Well, that’s like a full “safe sentence”! And it’s a bit confusing, too. Some people might take that as a request. *laughs*
Yeah, some of them didn’t understand it sometimes, but it’s okay. For Ethan Morgan’s movie, it was always too loud, so nobody could hear me. I would scream, but there was always techno music blasting in the background. It did go wrong. My face has been burnt, as you can see. It was just like too much fire. I said “pineapple in my butt” many times, but nobody heard me, unfortunately. I was ok, though.
Yeah, that setup was a bit hectic, I suppose. I’m glad to hear you are okay. Can you walk us through that night when you guys burned the car and jumped over on it?
My master, Ethan Morgan, at the time, said that I had to be the guinea pig to jump over the burning car. He made me do it shirtless. It’s burned off all my chest hair, so I’m quite naked now. It was a crazy night. The Gaper was such a nice car, but I guess he didn’t want it anymore, so he burned it to the ground, and I burned my face along with it.
After I guinea pigged, they noticed the tryout was not so successful since I burnt everything all the way to my pubes, so they had to lower the fire. So they did until it was quite safe for everybody to jump over the car. Everybody had a great session while I was pouring water over my face, trying to get the fire off. It was really cool to see what I could see at least.
Well, it’s all good, I guess. Consent is important, and I’m glad to know that all of you are on the same page. Speaking of a safe space for leisure activities, would you say snowboarding is a safe environment to explore BDSM?
Everybody is quite open in the snowboarding scene, so it’s quite easy to show them and teach them my skills. I’ve had many people that have taught me the ways of snowboarding, and now I’ve gotten to the point where they appreciate me so I can show them what I’m good at. They’re enjoying it, listening and even joining in.
You mentioned there was music blasting during these sessions. What kind of music are you into these days?
Hardcore techno. The hardest music there is when it comes to electronic music. It’s very dark and has nasty sets. I like Satanist techno a lot. It makes me feel at home.
You also said that you mostly do stuff at night, but I’ve seen photos of you out there with the boys during the day as well. That must’ve been something new for you.
When master Halldor first grabbed me to come on this trip, master Willis said that I shouldn’t go out in the day too much because I’m not used to daylight. Every day, he gave me a bigger task to build a bigger jump so I would be out into dawn and eventually sunrise every day more and more. I was getting used to the day slowly until they eventually brought me out in the daylight. It was really hard for me, but I still managed to get some clips for their movie, as they had ordered me to do. They forced me to fall on my face and do all these things, and I enjoyed it. It was a beautiful experience, especially seeing the sunlight for the first time in 30 years.
I heard you actually did a legendary method that day. Is that true?
Yeah, apparently, I broke the world record for the longest-holding method. I think I held it for over 30 seconds, and nobody has ever held a method this long before. I’m quite proud of it. I didn’t land it, but I held the method the whole way, so yeah, that was one of my biggest accomplishments in my life. I felt like I had to do it, or else using the safe word wouldn’t even have a meaning anymore.
Was the longest method ever held a bigger achievement for you than appearing in a Quentin Tarantino movie?
Yes. Now that I found my love for the snowboarding people, the sport itself, and combining it with BDSM, I think it was definitely a much bigger, achievement in my life.
Okay, so cut the crap and tell me who’s behind that mask?
*laughs* Everybody is, I’m just a character. In fact many people have put it on, and each one of them had no meaning anymore once that mask was on. You put the mask on, you become the Gimp.
So, you really did introduce BDSM to the snowboard world?
Yes, people have been trying it out. Many snowboarders like pain. That’s why I fit much better for me than staying in that dirty basement.
Would you say that those who tried being the Gimp, enjoyed it?
Not everyone. Some people don’t like the smell of rotten coconut oil in here so they just take the mask off right away. But, the people who have a bad smell or don’t mind knowing that this mask has been abused many times actually like it, I think. It makes you feel bad when you wear it, for sure. Some people have a little inner demon inside them that needs to be punished sometimes.
Nice. Are you going to come to DIYX this year? I hear there are a lot of possible punishments there. They probably have all the things you love at that event.
Yes. My masters told me stories about it and it sounded like a scary place to be. I haven’t seen any photos as I’m not allowed to see photos, but they told me it’s a very dangerous place for the liver with a lot of diseases, slams, and punishment in general. It sounds like a great time! I heard there will be some crazy BDSM parties and street snowboarding, which I enjoy the most. I feel the most degraded in the streets, it’s nice. I would be happy to be humiliated in front of a lot of people. I was told I might be the main focus of the BDSM party, meaning it could be a long night of punishment for me. So yeah, I’m very nervous, but I’m excited!
They seem to be lighting some fire at every edition now, so I hope you don’t get burned again this time.
Oh, it’s okay. You know I have been a part of the creation of that Ring of Fire when they decided to do it. I helped master Ethan build it since the concept of this object is close to the essence of BDSM. Combining the fire and the pain is pretty big for us. We tested it on me as well. It didn’t work out so well, but I’m the test object, so it’s part of my job. They told me that it’s now at borderline of being dangerous, but still safe.
Allow me to doubt that, but you’re the expert. Thanks for sharing all this with me. Before we split, do you have any advice for people who want to add a bit of BDSM to their snowboarding?
First, you need leather, or else it’s not as fun. Some kinky toys can be good to bring on the mountain. On top of your avy gear and such. Bring some dildos, some chains or some whips, and be experimental. Just like for snowboarding, BDSM is all about creativity when it comes down to it. You can combine them both by being as creative as you can, being open to a little bit of pain, and of course, enjoying that pain. But most importantly, you have to listen to your master at all times.
Thanks for sharing that, Mr Gimp.
I hope this has been serving you, master.
Oh, so by conducting this interview, I automatically became your master?
Yes, actually everybody’s my master when I have my mask on. I’m here to serve.
Shoot, I kinda wish I had picked that up before we started.
Welcome to the world of BDSM. I have to say, you have been a way too nice master so far...