Cannon's coming

(from issue 25.3)

When the first mindblowing clips of Cannon started popping on our insatiable Instagram feeds a couple of winters ago, we all wondered: ‘Where is this Cannon guy coming from’? Well, it turns out he’s a fruit that fell from the ‘Temple Cummins/ Barrett Christy’s family tree. Connecting these genealogical dots made a lot of sense. Coming from these two rippers and growing up in the Olympic Mountains provides quite a few green flags for turning into a powder shred machine. Is it genetics, mimicry, or education that makes someone’s natural style power through with precise edge control? It’s probably a mix of all and more. As we’re blowing our 30th candle this year, we’ve been looking at our favorite talents of the past a lot, and so much of them is breathing in this 20-year-old ripper. Of course, he brings he’s own personal and modern touch to the riding, and that is dope! It’s pretty clear Cannon’s got that extra touch that already started naturally giving to our snowboarding culture. The mystic snowboarding mojo that Method has dedicated all these years to searching, documenting, and celebrating. And since we still do on these pages, let’s step into Cannon’s world and wonder what it’s like growing up in such an iconic and legendary shred environment. Be aware! The roots meet the future. Cannon’s coming

Don't forget to look both ways before crossing, Mt Baker, 2023


Hey Cannon, what’s up? 
Hey Justin! I’ve been chilling at home in Sequim, Washington, for the last couple of weeks, trying to skate and surf as much as I can.

Still living in the family nest? Are you thinking of moving out yet?
Yep, I am still living with my parents. It’s good! I am definitely thinking of moving out. I’m just trying to save money for the next little while, at least.

What are you up to these days, anyway? Anything exciting?
This summer I’ve been surfing a lot. I got to go to Bali to surf with my friends Matteo and Brayden. That was probably the most exciting thing I’ve done recently.

How’s the "snow bum, pro-rider lifestyle" been suiting you so far? 
*laughs* It’s been suiting me good I think. It’s been fun, and I’m very grateful to get the opportunity to snowboard all over the world

We understand you scored a pretty epic winter. Do you wanna share some of your best memories?
Yeah! This winter was super fun. I got the opportunity to film a movie with my friends Jadyn Chomlack and Arthur Longo. Olivier Gittler filmed all of it, and it’s been a treat hanging out with all of them. The best memories of the trip were probably when we rented an RV and drove from Seattle down to Bend, Oregon. We got to ride Mount Hood and Mount Bachelor, which was super fun. But the best memories were probably just hanging out in the actual RV.

Barret is fast! Legendary Banked Slalom, 2013


What was it like growing up in a shred family in the Pacific Northwest?
It didn’t feel much different than a “normal family,” except we would go snowboarding more than most people, I guess. The Pacific Northwest is awesome, though. I feel like there is always something to do here.

Is it a cool place to pull stupid teenage stunts?
laughs* Yeah, as good as anywhere, I guess. It’s easy to pull stupid teenage stunts if you're a stupid teenager.

Where did Cannon get that tweak from? Brainbowl Session, 2024


“It’s easy to pull stupid teenage stunts if you're a stupid teenager.” 


Right here (Temple), RV trip, 2014


Where would you say you built up your riding skills?
I would say I built up most of my riding skills at Mount Baker and Hurricane Ridge.

What does Mt Baker mean to you?
It means a lot, for sure. It’s definitely my favorite place to snowboard, and it also holds a lot of great memories.

Do you remember skipping school to go shred with your parents? I imagine you being "sick" at every storm…
Ooohhhh yeah, I skipped a lot of school to snowboard. Luckily, my parents know what’s up. 

How was it with school, actually? Were your parents involved in your scholarly education at home?
I stayed on top of my schoolwork for the most part. I don’t remember needing my parents to help with my homework at all. I was also in high school during the lockdown when everything turned online, and I feel like that benefited me in the way that I could do my school work on the computer wherever I wanted instead of having to be in a classroom. It got hard staying motivated to do the work toward the end of high school, but I graduated, and that’s all that matters. *laughs*

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Temple loves his sluff, Mt Baker, 2014


“Ooohhhh yeah, I skipped a lot of school to snowboard.”


Tell us about your sister. What is she up to?
My sister is awesome! Her name is Ayla, and she is 15. She has been grinding school recently and hanging out with friends.

How would you describe your relationship with her? Did she catch the shred virus, too?
I feel like we have a good relationship. She loves snowboarding, but not in the way my parents and I do, which I think is awesome. I’ve gotten a couple awesome days up at our local mountain Hurricane Ridge, with her. It’s so fun snowboarding with her.

Do you prefer riding at home with the family or somewhere else in the world with your filming buddies?
These days, I prefer riding somewhere else with my filming buddies, but I think that is because I’ve been riding at home with my family for so long. Although I think I will grow to appreciate riding at home with the fam more.

Do you often ride the whole family together, actually?
We don’t ride as a family very often. It’s mostly just my dad and I going up and riding.

Are you sometimes embarrassed by your parents?
Yeah, for sure, they can be super cringey.

What’s it like having snowboard legends as parents? Are you aware of their aura? 
It’s not really that crazy. They seem like normal parents to me. It’s definitely cool nowadays to see all the old snowboards and clothes they have from back in the day, though. They are definitely inspiring for me.

Are you teaching your parents today what’s cool in snowboarding?
I think they still know what’s cool. I don’t feel like I’m teaching them anything about snowboarding yet.

In fact, what is cool about snowboarding these days?
*laughs* I’m not sure, really. It sounds corny, but having fun and being yourself is cool.

It sure is, just like being named “Cannon”. Do you think having that name destined you to fulfill a life of shred?
I think it’s a dope ass name!

Are you faster than your parents at the Legendary Banked Slalom yet?
Yeah, last year was the first time I beat both my parents. Hyped on that!

Temple and you designed a board together. Tell us about that!
Yeah, it’s been super awesome getting to design a board with my dad. He knows so much about snowboards, has a lot of experience on different types of boards, and knows what he likes. It’s been cool learning about the process and what goes into designing a board.

Layback mom, It's Tits, 2019


Would you say you had better input than your old man on that job? Putting fresh eyes on things and all.
My dad definitely had better input on the design of the board.

You must have spent a lot of time in the Mervin headquarters over the years. Does that make you want to be a part of that industry side of snowboarding?
Yeah, for sure, it’s inspiring to see all the snowboarders that work at Mervin, from building boards to engineering them to working on the marketing side of the company. I definitely want to work in the snowboarding industry for a future job. I feel like it’s what I know best, and it would make work more fun for me.

Describe your dream job.
My dream job would be an astronaut. *laughs* I don’t know why it just sounds cool to go up to space and like see Earth and all the planets and get to be in a space ship. I also don’t know much about being an astronaut, so it might not be as cool as it sounds to me.

Do you see yourself ripping like your parents when you get to their age?
Yeah, for sure I wanna snowboard as long as my body allows me to.



What would you like to achieve before you get there?
I just wanna put out as many video parts and footage as I can and make people wanna snowboard.

What are your plans for the next 5 to 10 years? Become the next Terje Haakonsen?
*laughs* No, there will only be one Terje. My plans for the next 5 to 10 years are probably to get my own house and snowboard as much as I can. I definitely wanna travel with my buddies more and visit new countries and new places. 

The last words are yours, Cannon!
Thank you, method mag!