When he was still a teenager, renowned French author Marcel Proust had a friend called Antoinette who offered him to a chance to be in her book entitled "An Album To Record Thoughts, Feelings, etc.". It consisted mainly of each interviewee revealing his or her aspirations and tastes, a style of questioning that originated in England and became popular throughout Europe at the time. The original manuscript of Proust's answers, published in 1890 and called "Marcel Proust par lui-même" ("Marcel Proust in his own words"), was re-discovered in 1924, two years after his death. This manuscript became an important piece of history due to Proust's fame as a writer and the effort and passion he put into his answers to Antoinette's questionnaire.
This week we crawl into the mind of a girl that is running the rail scene. Here are a few brain berries we collected after picking Desiree's brain with the Proust Questionnaire. After reading it, don't forget to check some of her rad moves in the Peep Show movie on Method.TV.
Your favorite virtue: Humor.
Your favorite quality in a woman: Boobs.
What you appreciate the most in your friends: Always knowing I will have some around to make me laugh.
Freeze-framing a perfect 5-0 in the falling snow. Photo: Dave Brewer
Your main fault: I'm a girl.
Your favorite occupation: Art.
Your idea of happiness: Being happy.
Your idea of misery: Losing the ones you love.
If not yourself, who would you be: A magician.
Where would you like to live: In a treehouse in the largest tree in the largest forest.
Your favorite colour: Green.
Your favorite writers: J.D. Salinger, Reorge R.R. Martin, J.K. Rowling.
Stole this back lip shot from Method Mag 9.3. Desiree does down rails. Photo: Andy Wright
Your favorite heroes in fiction: John Snow (a song off Ice and Fire)
Your favorite heroines in fiction: Hermoine Granger from Harry Potter.
Your favorite composers: John Lennon, Cat Stevens, Melanie Safka.
Your favorite heroes in real life: All my friends and my parents.
What I hate the most: Stress.
World history characters I hate the most: Early American Americans.
The natural talent I’d like to be gifted with: My Voice to sing pretty with.Frontside in a photo full of "oh-la-la" Photo: Dave Brewer
How you wish to die: Peacefully and with no pain
What is your present state of mind: study study study study.
For which fault do you have the most tolerance: I deal with them all pretty well.
Your favorite motto: Miles from nowhere.