Mission Ridge and Snowboy Productions gave us our first glimpse of their epic new partnership...they called it THE BREACH.

After two weeks of prime snowmaking temps, riders converged from all parts of Washington to rip the snow-whale transitions. With a heavy line-up including Ian Key, Austin Hironaka, Mitch Richmond, Aaron Cardwell, Kurt Jenson, Pete Saari, Joey McGuire, Todd Schlosser, Mike Swearingen, Ben Maki, Stefan Krumm, Matt Wainhouse, Jesse Burtner, Kevin Hanson, Jacob Krugmire, Milo Malkoski, Keala Cole and Phil Hansen it was bound to be a good time. Everyone lapped, then hiked until the sun went down. To cap off an amazing day, Krush from Snowboy Productions gave out invites to Matt Wainhouse and Kurt Jenson to this year's Holy Bowly at Mammoth Mountain...well done guys!

A few days after the event Erik Baker, John Wax, Krush and the park crew rebuilt the zone into what is now the first designated bowl park in all of North America...BOMBER BOWL PARK at MISSION RIDGE is now open with new features being added throughout the rest of the season. Things are getting really rad in the Mid-Northwest!