No matter if you wanted to carve your cat's name into a tree, open a bottle of crappy wine or imbue yourself with an aura of adventure – the Swiss Knife always stood up to the challenges of the modern times as a stalwart companion of ours. Every Swiss Knife also came with at least two mysterious features that no one knew what purpose they served, but that somehow made you feel like you were prepared for some serious Mc Gyver shit.
Lib Tech pay hommage to one of the greatest inventions of mankind, the Swiss Knife, and celebrate the addition of Fredi Kalbermatten to their team at one go. Fredi is one of the raddest riders to have ever shredded planet earth and he's a triple OG on the mountain. Fredi is not the type of guy who rides one and the same slope for the entire day – on the contrary he's the personification of the term „ALL MOUNTAIN“. Freddy rides steep faces, hits massive jumps, wins banked slaloms – in short: all the stuff that I can't do.