
Let's not point out the obvious... OK we can't can't ignore it, Benny Urban is as his name suggests, a natural when it comes to snowboarding in the urban environment. Maybe he felt like it was his duty with a name like that or maybe it's just a massive coincidence, either way he rips in the streets. It's not to say he doesn't hold his own riding all over the mountain too, especially in the park, but Benny has a unique smooth flow to his riding that makes even the gnarliest of spots look effortless.

Born in Germany where he grew up riding his local lowland hills, once he got noticed he started to travel the world filming for numerous projects including Videograss parts, Vans parts and Xgames Real Snow to name a few. Managing to split his winters between America, Europe and Japan of late. 

Benny Urban

"You Are Inside Your Heart" by Benny Urban

Filmed during the last two and a half years across Europe...

2024 Escape Closing Cup - Video recap

For those who missed it...

NITRO CAKE | Camp Good Times BTS edit

Nitro x Elooa Camp Good Times in Kitzstienhorn edit

In-Flight Entertainment - Short film

Leftover footage from Vans Snow's "Bless The Ledge / Secret Tape." 

Nitro Snowboards Presents "CAKE" Movie

A Nitro Snowboards Film...