We present you FEARING BLISS, the latest film made by our beloved Simpson Brothers and their entourage!
After making quite a few movies over the years, they sure know how to make some cool and entertaining snowbarding stuff to watch! The crew has gotten finer, super skilled in the streets and mighty stylish - in front and behind the camera.
In other words, this movie is a banger!
This is what they had to say about it:
"BLISS: "Reaching a state of perfect happiness, oblivious of everything else."
In search of bliss, we realised that we feared it.
Breaking a camera, deciding not to name shots, and in general trying to "break the mould" that we had gotten ourselves into, FEARING BLISS is letting go of invisible rules whilst striving for our best."
Jake Simpson @jake_the_snake1
Joe Simpson @brain_half_full
Alex Taferner @tafernair
Dusan Kriz @dusankriz
Simon Pircher @simonpircher
Hrund Thor @hrundur
Senna Van Drunen @tweakh.art
Mehdi Soltane @alpasdechiko
Tom Cordier @_tomcordier
Marko Malsub. @narko.nalsub
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Drake Snowboarding @drake_snowboarding
Spy Optics @spyoptic