Grilled Cheese - “The Debut” Full Movie


With the loss of the friends before the 2016 season started, Grilled Cheese set out with even higher expectations and a ton of motivation. Then, “The Debut” was born. It is the first large project for Grilled Cheese and introduces just about every rider into the snowboard community for the very first time. Thinking the final product would be a half-assed shit-storm, the process of filming and editing soon came to show that it would be atleast 78.4% decent. Regardless, it was all about the love for snowboarding and how each person went about it everyday.. Keep up to date with Grilled Cheese, for this is just “The Debut.” Dont forget: Its just a sandwhich.

Limited Discs sold online or at Milosport SLC

Josh Quigley
Tate Cronk
Alec Little
Xander Cornaby 
David Otterson 
Max Greeley 
Colin Cummins
Michael McDaniel 
Payton Martinez
Luka Nezi
Trevor Otterson
Jet Reed
Skyler Ordean
Jack Wiley

Supported by 
Dang Shades
Rome SDS
Union Binding Co. 
Uki Hoods