...JHEEP2 - Talma park edit

The plan was to film a pipe edit in Talma with Toni Kerkela, but in the end, the crew got thicker, and no one touched one lip of the half-pipe.
The edit turned out to be one hell of a tribute to classic park edits, which are now classified as endangered species in our Internet ecosystem...

Tatu toivonen @tatupekka
Joonas Eloranta @jopiwankenopi
Max De Vries @max.de.vries
Pyry Lepistö @pyrylepisto
Janne Lipsanen @jannelipsanen
Doobie @doobieornotdoobieee
Timo Ikonen 
Ville Ikola @villeikola
Samu Gråsten @samugrasten
Toni Kerkelä @tonikerkela
Roope Rautiainen @rooperautiainen

Filming/editing: Calle Hasselblatt