Rail Gardens, SLC gets a Hammering

Utah hasn't been having the mega snowfalls of the previous winter, but recently they finally got the dump they'd been waiting for and it covered all the way down to the infamous Rail Gardens aka Olympus Park in Salt Lake City. Well of course that brought the masses that had been waiting for so long to session RG this winter and some heavy sessions went down! Just check out this list of riders below!

Cooper Whittier
Robby Meehan
Dusty Miller
Brandon Reis
Ted Borland
Justin Keniston
Sam Taxwood
Tucker Brown
Nirvana Ortanez
Madison Blackley
Brendan Sullivan
James Wilson
Michael McDaniel
Ozzy Henning
Pat Fava
Jeff Holce
Will Stellar
Alan Gerlach
Kyle Neinhouse
Ben Bilodeau
Mike Ravelson

Filmed by
Ted Borland
Brandon Reis
Ozzy Henning
Nirvana Ortanez
Madison Blackley
Matt Coughlin
Chris Grenier
Alan Gerlach